Patient golfing

Comprehensive Remote Monitoring with MyCareLink Patient Monitor

Bradycardia (Slow Heart Rate)

For a complete list of heart devices currently supported on the CareLink Network, please view this tip card

MyCareLink™ Patient Monitor

MyCarelink Patient Monitor

MyCareLink Patient Monitor makes it easy to connect to your clinic from almost anywhere in the world, with integrated global cellular technology. You simply plug the monitor into a power source, and ensure there is a cellular signal and that the monitor is in range of the implanted device.

Learn more at

These products are not a substitute for appropriate medical attention in the event of an emergency. Use of these products is subject to Internet connectivity and access, and service availability. The monitor must be on and in range of the implanted device to receive CareAlerts.

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.