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Definindo novas possibilidades

Nossa equipe executiva nos incentiva a atingir o extraordinário e a liderar as tecnologias de saúde. Eles têm perspectivas e ideias novas que nos motivam a solucionar desafios de saúde no mundo, não só para nos ajudar a inovar nos tratamentos, mas também para moldar uma função positiva mais ampla na sociedade.

A photo of Medtronic Chairman and CEO Geoffrey S. Martha

Geoffrey S. Martha

Presidente e CEO

A photo of Medtronic SVP and Chief Quality Officer Noel Colón

Noel Colón

SVP e Chief Quality Officer

A photo of Medtronic SVP and President, Greater China Alex Gu

Alex Gu

SVP e Presidente, Grande China

A photo of Medtronic SVP, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer Richard E. Kuntz, MD, MSC

Richard E. Kuntz, MD, MSC

SVP, Chief Medical & Scientific Officer

A photo of Medtronic SVP and President, Asia Pacific Region Chris Lee

Chris Lee

SVP e Presidente, Região do Pacífico Asiático

A photo of Medtronic EVP and President Americas Region John Liddicoat, MD

John Liddicoat, MD

EVP e Presidente, Região das Américas

A photo of Medtronic SVP and Chief Clinical and Regulatory Officer Laura Mauri, MD MSC

Laura Mauri, MD, MSC

SVP e Chief Clinical & Regulatory Officer 

A photo of Medtronic SVP, Chief Communication Officer Torod Neptune

Torod Neptune

SVP, Chief Communications Officer

A photo of Medtronic EVP and Chief Financial Officer, IT and Enterprise Excellence Karen Parkhill

Karen Parkhill

EVP e Chief Financial Officer, IT & Enterprise Excellence

A photo of Medtronic EVP and President, Diabetes Operating Unit, Cardiovascular Portfolio Sean Salmon

Sean Salmon

EVP e Presidente, Unidade de Operações de Diabetes, Portfólio Cardiovascular

A photo of Medtronic EVP, Global Operations and Supply Chain Greg Smith

Greg Smith

EVP, Operações Globais e Cadeia de Fornecedores

A photo of Medtronic Chief Human Resources Officer Carol Surface PhD

Carol Surface, PhD

Chief Human Resources Officer

A photo of Medtronic EVP and President, Europe, Middle East, and Africa region Rob ten Hoedt

Rob ten Hoedt

EVP e Presidente, Europa, Oriente Médio e Região da África

A photo of Medtronic EVP and President Neuroscience Portfolio Brett Wall

Brett Wall

EVP e Presidente do Portfólio de Neurociência

A photo of Medtronic EVP and President Medical Surgical Portfolio Bob White

Bob White

EVP e Presidente do Portfólio de Cirurgia Médica

Image of a group of people in a glass conference room setting with people walking by

Conselho administrativo da Medtronic

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