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Robotics in healthcare

Combining the latest technology with world-class training, RAS ushers in a new era full of possibilities.

Robotic-assisted surgery (RAS) is opening new frontiers for doctors — from improving precision and accuracy in spine surgery to increasing access and maneuverability in general surgery.1-3

The shift to RAS for health systems requires a shared commitment by clinicians, hospital administrators, and medical technology innovators. We recognize that comprehensive RAS solutions combine the latest technology with flexible models across disease states — expanding based on evolving needs — and provide clinical and training support.

Innovation is ongoing. In October 2021, our soft-tissue robotic-assisted surgery system received Conformité Européenne (CE) Mark approval in Europe and in December, it received Health Canada license, in both cases for urologic and gynecologic procedures.

Learn more about how RAS can help standardize surgical procedures and enable minimally invasive surgery.

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MedtronicTalks Podcast


The MedtronicTalks Podcast series brings the insights, observations and lessons learned from the leaders of the medtech industry’s single, largest leader.


  1. Hussain A, Malik A, Halim MU, Ali AM. The use of robotics in surgery: a review. Int J Clin Pract. 2014;68:1376-1382.
  2. Albani JM. The role of robotics in surgery: a review. Mo Med. 2007;104:166-172.
  3. Hyun SJ, Kim KJ, Jahng TA, Kim HJ. Minimally invasive robotic versus open fluoroscopic-guided spinal instrumented fusions: a randomized controlled trial. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017;42(6):353–358.