Heart Valve Disease

Heart Valve Disease Your Health

About the Surgery

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About Heart Valve Surgery

About Heart Valve Surgery

When a heart valve is unable to work normally, the entire heart itself cannot function as it should. In some cases, the heart valve can be repaired. Sometimes, however, it must be replaced.

One treatment option for heart valve disease may be to implant a small ring or band to reshape the valve. Or, your doctor may decide to replace the valve entirely with an artificial one.

What Is It?

During a heart valve repair operation, your heart valve may need to be resized (an annuloplasty procedure). It's also possible that your heart valve leaflets may need to be repaired because of calcium deposits or extra tissue on the leaflets that needs to be removed (a valvuloplasty).
More: Repair
More: Replacement

Benefits and Risks

All treatment and outcome results are specific to the individual patient, and will form part of your consultation with your healthcare professional.

Please consult your healthcare professional for a full list of benefits, indications, precautions, clinical results, and other important medical information that pertains to heart valve surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Having a heart valve repaired or replaced is an important event in your life. Be sure to ask your doctor any questions you may have about heart valves or the process to repair a heart valve.
More: Replacement

Next: What Is Heart Valve Repair?

Heart Valve Repair

Heart Valve Replacement



Butchart EG, Hui-Hua L, Payne N, et al. Twenty years' experience with Medtronic Hall valve. J.Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2001; 121:1090-100.


Mosaic® Bioprosthesis: Ten year clinical update. ©Medtronic, Inc. 2007

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.