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Selaimesi on vanhentunut
Selaimen päivittäminen parantaa Medtronic-verkkosivuston käyttökokemusta. Päivitä selaimeni nyt.
"By partnering with world-class institutions we are able to radically transform how we design and deliver training and education."
Mike Roby
Senior Director, Learning and Innovation, Medtronic
Medtronic Impact is focused on developing a network of partnerships with institutions where highly specialised training will be developed and delivered. Partnering with Centres of Excellence across Europe, Middle East and Africa will mean that healthcare professionals can access the very best training, often in real-world environments, using state-of-the-art technology and teaching methods.
Click below to learn about Medtronic Impact's World Class Partners:
Each partner brings something unique to the learning experience and the list of partners will continue to grow.
The Dundee Institute for Healthcare Simulation, at the University of Dundee Medical School in Scotland, brings state-of-the-art skills training using a variety of models including Thiel cadavers, a simulation centre featuring simulated wards and consulting rooms, and access to patients and actors that support immersive training scenarios.
IRCAD is a worldwide recognised training and R&D centre in minimally invasive surgery. Through joint collaboration, Medtronic and IRCAD support and accelerate the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and expertise to drive adoption of minimal invasive surgery and ultimately deliver value through better outcomes for patients.
Stellenbosch University and Medtronic collaborate to bring a transformational change to training and education of healthcare professionals across sub-Saharan Africa. The new Integrated Clinical Training Laboratory offers eight fully simulated theatre operating stations, a ‘dry’ laboratory, a 100-seat lecture theatre and a virtual ICU — all complemented and connected by breakthrough audiovisual capabilities. This facility adds value to health systems across the sub-continent through improved clinical management and better patient outcomes, thereby increasing access to quality healthcare.
The University Hospital Clinic of Barcelona (UHCB) is a public hospital included in the integrated health system of Catalonia (SISCAT). It is configured as a benchmark of excellence for specialised healthcare delivery, development of the pre- and post-graduate teaching and research. Through partnership with Medtronic, UHCB aims to establish a framework for driving VBHC projects to improve outcomes that matter to patients.