Same-Day Discharge solution

The challenge: surgical waitlists are long and getting longer

Waiting lists for elective procedures have been increasing worldwide due to staff retention and recruitment challenges. In addition, elective procedures needing to be postponed during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in even longer waiting lists.

Delays can be costly 

Delayed and unequal access to timely treatment can lead to deterioration of the patient’s condition and have a negative psychological and social impact, possibly requiring more intensive and expensive care with poorer outcomes. 

A blue circle drawn with dots and inside it says: delayed and unequal access to treatment equals poorer outcomes.
Hospitals can address these delays by adopting a same-day discharge (SDD) protocols for elective procedures, as opposed to an inpatient pathway. It will provide equivalent quality and safety of care using fewer resources and improve timely access to treatment.


Same-Day Discharge solution 

The solution helps hospitals accelerate the implementation of SDD through digital enablement, supporting the design and embedding of new processes and protocols, and change management. 




Our solution is made up of 5 modules:


Infographic explaining five core components of our solution.

1. Business case

A business case on the expected impact of same day discharge for the hospital to reduce costs and increase activity to ensure there is an evidence-based case for change.

2. Digital empowerment 

Digital enablement with Get Ready® to operationalize general and therapy-specific SDD surgery pathways and perioperative protocols, enabling a more effective pre-operative preparation, post-operative discharge, remote monitoring, and outcome data collection.

Protocols have been developed with (and endorsed by) the IAAS (International Association for Ambulatory Surgery).

Learn more about Get Ready®

3. Process streamlining & SDD mentality

Process streamlining &  change management support for clinical teams to transition from inpatient activity to a same day discharge-by-default mentality.

4. Deepsen

Help relieve patient anxiety and pain before, during and after the procedure through virtual reality by Deepsen. Effectively managing anxiety and pain maximizes the likelihood of a successful same day discharge.

5. Surgery Lounge

Design and construct a same day discharge lounge – a comfortable, dedicated patient-centric unit to host patients before and after surgery.



A solution for multiple pathways

Medtronic's approach to helping hospitals accelerate the implementation of same-day discharge can be adapted to any pathway, including but not limited to:

  • General surgery
  • Gynaecology
  • Urology
  • Orthopaedics
  • ENT
  • Cardiology



This solution helps the patient become a key stakeholder in their own treatment. It is exciting as it represents quality care.

- Professor Doug McWhinnie and Dr. Ian Jackson International Association for Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS)



Snapshot of key results from implementing the Same-Day Discharge solution:

St. Antonius Case Study

St. Antonius Hospital, the Netherlands:

Freed up 10 clinical ward beds.

Rigshospitalet main building.

Rigshospitalet, Denmark: 

Freed up five clinical ward beds with an average of €500 cost-savings per case.

Female doctor using tablet at the door in the office.

Hospital in the UK:

Reduced cancellations by 94%.

HCP Professional looking at a modern medical equipment monitor during operation.

Hospital in the Netherlands:

Enabled the handling of two additional cases per day.





Would you like to learn more about our SDD solution?



Connect with one of our experts

We are a team of experienced and highly trained experts who help providers reach their healthcare delivery goals. If you think we can help you, reach out to one of our advisors today for more information on what the Integrated Health Solutions team  can do for your hospital. 




A female call center worker with a headset on and a laptop in front of her.