Sacral neuromodulation Patient videos

Watch the videos below to find out more about Medtronic sacral neuromodulation devices.


1. What can help when your bladder doesn't work properly?

Overactive Bladder (OAB) and urge incontinence (UI) are treatable conditions. Pads, towels and other conservative measures are not always enough when you have wee or weeing issues, and they may not address the root causes of the problem. Other options are available and recommended where you live.

2. What can help when your bowels don't work properly?

Faecal incontinence (FI) and bowel dysfunction are treatable conditions. Pads, towels and other conservative measures are not always enough when you have poo or pooing issues, and they may not address the root causes of the problem. Other options are available and recommended where you live.

3. What is Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM)?

Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM) or Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS) is a therapy option for the treatment of bladder and bowel incontinence when conservative measures have been less successful. A long-standing, proven and minimally invasive surgical option, SNM is recommended by specialist Urology and Colorectal clinical teams who focus on functional solutions.

4. Sacral Neuromodulation rechargeable vs recharge-free devices: differences?

This video shows what to expect with a recharge free and a rechargeable system for SNM. This can be a helpful guide to make a decision between which sacral neuromodulation system is the right choice for you.

5. Sacral Neuromodulation Basic Evaluation phase: what to expect?

Will SNM work for you? Start with the test. The test gives an indication of the long-term outcome of the SNM therapy. We are looking for an improvement in your symptoms – depending on your condition this could be a reduction in accidents, a return to normal toilet habits, improved hold time, less incontinence products used, less medications and/or improvements to your quality of life.

6. Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM) Advanced Evaluation phase: what to expect?

Will SNM work for you? Start with the test. The test gives an indication of the long-term outcome of the SNM therapy. We are looking for an improvement in your symptoms – depending on your condition this could be a reduction in accidents, a return to normal toilet habits, improved hold time, less incontinence products used, less medications and/or improvements to your quality of life.

7. Sacral Neuromodulation implant phase: what to expect?

 You have already made the choice between a rechargeable device (InterStim Micro) or recharge-free device (InterStim II). You have had a successful sacral neuromodulation test. This video shows what to expect during the implant phase and what is important during and after the implant.

8. Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM) battery needs replacing: what to expect?

This video is a helpful guide to what happens when the battery of your Sacral Neuromodulation device needs to be replaced.

Sacral Neuromodulation

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A Medtronic sacral neuromodulation (SNM) patient enjoying the ocean breeze after finding incontinence relief from InterStim therapy.