
Precise ETT airway monitoring for neonates didn’t exist – until now.

Precious neonatal patients require precise endotracheal tube (ETT) monitoring. The SonarMed™ airway monitoring system is the only ETT airway monitor to provide real-time visualizations at the bedside for accurate, informed troubleshooting, which may save precious time and help reduce unplanned extubations.

SonarMed™ System Product Brochure

Unplanned extubations (UEs) are a significant safety concern for neonates and newborns — and the most common adverse event.([FOOTNOTE=Hatch LD, Scott TA, Slaughter JC, et al. Outcomes, resource use, and financial costs of unplanned extubations in preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2020;145(6):e20192819. doi:10.1542/peds.2019-2819.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) Despite existing efforts, 75,000 UEs still happen annually,([FOOTNOTE=Internal analysis of patient volumes, incidence, and economic burden from clinical literature.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) which can lead to respiratory deterioration or life-threatening events.

View Brochure
Order Information
Order Code Description Unit of Measure Quantity
AW-M0001 SonarMed™ system monitor Each 1
AW-S025 Neonatal SonarMed™ sensor – 2.5 mm Box 5
AW-S030 Neonatal SonarMed™ sensor – 3.0 mm Box 5
AW-S035 Neonatal SonarMed™ sensor – 3.5 mm Box 5
AW-S040 Pediatric SonarMed™ sensor – 4.0 mm Box 5
AW-S045 Pediatric SonarMed™ sensor – 4.5 mm Box 5
AW-S050 Pediatric SonarMed™ sensor – 5.0 mm Box 5
AW-MA002 SonarMed™ monitor mounting bracket Each 1
AW-MA003 SonarMed™ system mounting pole – threaded with IV hooks Each 1

Order Information


The SonarMed™ System received the Frost & Sullivan’s 2022 North American New Product Innovation Award for its NICU patient impact and new technology features to improve patient safety.

See How It Works

The SonarMed™ airway monitoring system’s easy-to-read screen displays status changes of the ETT and monitors the correction of the tube to the optimal baseline. The system also analyzes the amplitude of the echoes to estimate the position and integrity of the tube providing immediate audible alerts if movement or obstructions are detected.

Unplanned Extubation Cost-savings Calculator

Estimate your average cost-savings using the SonarMed™ airway monitoring system by potentially reducing UEs in the NICU.

Monitor ETT position and patency for accurate, informed troubleshooting

  • Assists in detecting ETT tip movement and direction both upward and downward, notifying clinicians of potential ETT migration in real time.
  • Bedside monitor displays the percentage and location of any obstruction within the ETT and can indicate if removal efforts were successful.
  • Measures the circumference of the patient’s trachea at the tip of the ETT to observe any migration toward a smaller or larger passageway.
  • Easy-to-read screen displays any status changes of the ETT, and monitors the correction of the tube to the optimal baseline position.
  • Customize alarms to sound when migration or obstruction is detected.

The need for a standardized solution for reduction of unplanned extubations

  • The Children’s Hospitals Solutions for Patient Safety recommends unplanned extubation rates close to zero for every 100 ventilator days with a care bundle implementation.([FOOTNOTE=Withers, L, Finch, C, Jackson, J, Measuring ETT carina distance using the airwave device in patients identified as a difficult airway, 862, Crit Care Med: December 2014, vol 42, Issue12 - p A1568 doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000458359.97855.92.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])
  • There is little standardization around reduction of UEs, and some intervention practices may lead to additional neonatal stress and impact long-term patient development.3,([FOOTNOTE=Peng NH, Bachman J, Jenkins R, et al. Relationships between environmental stressors and stress biobehavioral responses of preterm infants in NICU. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2009;23(4):363–371. doi:10.1097/JPN.0b013e3181bdd3fd.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) Existing guidelines include ETT repositioning, retaping or tape removal, suctioning of the ETT, reintubation, or administering CPAP.

Leverage a noninvasive solution for receiving ETT status updates

  • Only the Medtronic SonarMed™ airway monitoring system uses acoustic technology to assist in verifying ETT movement, position, and patency during ventilation. This noninvasive approach is less disruptive than chest X-rays or opening the isolette during every assessment.
  • Remote monitoring reduces the need to disturb patients to check on their condition, allowing more time for uninterrupted sleep and development, while improving staff access to vital information and reducing unnecessary clinical interventions.([FOOTNOTE=Schiavenato M, Antos SA, Bell FA, et al. Development of a scale for estimating procedural distress in the newborn intensive care unit: The Procedural Load Index. Early Hum Dev. 2013;89(9):615-619. doi:10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2013.04.007.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=Grunau RE, Whitfield MF, Petrie-Thomas J, et al. Neonatal pain, parenting stress and interaction, in relation to cognitive and motor development at 8 and 18 months in preterm infants. Pain. 2009;143(1-2):138-146. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2009.02.014.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])
  • Individual alarm parameters can be set to accommodate each infant’s needs.

Support an enhanced standard of care

  • Despite existing reduction methods, including ETT repositioning two-person spot-checks and taping methods, there is no standardized approach for decreasing UEs in the NICU.
  • Enables real-time, continuous remote monitoring that’s compatible with any standard ETT*.
  • Timely notifications and specific measurements allow for a coordinated response to address potentially critical events, such as tube movement or occlusion.
  • Helps notify the clinician on ETT movement to help facilitate skin-to skin contact (Kangaroo Care), which, according to a study, is the ultimate healing environment for newborn infants.([FOOTNOTE=Alitimier L, Phillips R. The neonatal integrative developmental care model: advanced clinical applications of the seven core measures for neuroprotective family-centered developmental care. Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews. 2016:16:230-244.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])

NICU Airway Monitoring Technology

How does SonarMed™ airway monitoring work?

The SonarMed™ airways monitoring system connects to the ETT by replacing the 15 mm connector that attaches to the ventilator circuit. It uses acoustic reflectometry technology to emit sound waves through the ETT and then measures the sound waves as they return to the sensor. 

The airway monitoring system analyzes the timing and amplitude of echoes to estimate the position and integrity of the ETT. Immediate audible alerts then inform clinicians when movement or obstructions are detected.

SonarMed™ Device In Use

Proven Sonar Technology.
Innovation You Expect.

Discover how the power of SonarMed™ technology can help you gain confidence in ETT position and patency, and potentially intervene before neonate distress occurs.

View Technology Info Sheet

Clinical Evidence Guide

Learn about the types of endotracheal tube-related issues and stressful interventions that may be mitigated with additional monitoring via the SonarMed™ airway monitoring system.

  • †The SonarMed™ airway monitoring system should not be used as the sole basis for diagnosis or therapy and is intended only as an adjunct in patient assessment.

  • *sizes in compliance with ISO 5367