Impact reporting at Medtronic
We know that every action we take impacts the future of our employees, our business, our communities, and our planet.
We put people and planet first, guided by environmental, social, and governance priorities.
Year in review
Putting in the work
In 2024, we received the following recognitions. These demonstrate our commitment to ensuring good health no matter who or where you are. A culture where all are included, respected, and valued. Innovation that sustains our planet. And strong communities where we live and work.
Geoff Martha Chairman & CEO
A dialogue between our CEO and a patient
Geoff Martha and a Medtronic patient have a candid conversation where they talk about how Medtronic’s technology helps people return to what they love.
Global Human Rights Program Report
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Members of the Board of Directors
Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers
Corporate Climate Change Statement
Environmental, Health and Safety Policy
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
Global Business Conduct Standards Policy
Global Human Rights and Labor Standards Policy
Healthcare Professional Collaboration Policy
Principles of Corporate Governance
Product and Packaging Disposition
FY23 Emissions, Energy, Water, Employee Safety Incident Data Assurance Statement
FY22 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Assurance Statement
FY22 Water Data Assurance Statement
FY22 Employee Health & Safety Data Assurance Statement
FY21 Employee Health & Safety Data Assurance Statement
Explore topics:
Health equity
A holistic approach to product stewardship
Inclusion, diversity & equity
A network of opportunity in supply chain diversity
Inclusion, diversity & equity
Advancing diversity in STEM
Health equity
Better health for everyone, everywhere
Inclusion, diversity & equity
Diversity Networks & ERGs