The Beacon™ EUS delivery system features interchangeable FNA and FNB needles designed to support consistent and predictable acquisition of tissue samples with intact cellular architecture.([FOOTNOTE=Based on product development testing data. Data on file. (See Report #1085 and Report #1090).],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=DDW 2015 Presentations: #935. A Novel EUS-guided Liver Biopsy Needle is Superior to 19-G Core and FNA Needles: Examining the Effect of Needle Design, Number of Excursions, and Variable Suction Parameters on Histologic Yield. Schulman A, Thompson C, Chan W, Ryou M. #Tu1638. Initial experience with a novel EUS-guided core biopsy needle (SharkCore™): a North American multicenter study. DiMaio C, Kolb J, Benias P, et al. #Tu1648. Evaluating The Efficacy of a New FDA Approved EUS Core Biopsy Needle and Different Fine Needle Biopsy (FNB) Techniques To Yield The Best Core Specimen In a Live Porcine Model. Shivangi Kothari S, Kothari T, Zhou Z, et al.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])
The components of this innovative EUS delivery system are interchangeable, supporting greater efficiency,([FOOTNOTE=Enestvedt B, Maranki, J, Makipour K, Mathur M, Haluszka O. Is Two Better Than One? a Comparison of EUS-FNA Efficiency of Single- vs Multi-Needle Platforms. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2013;77(5S):AB179.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) while built-in safety features help protect healthcare staff from needle stick injury. And with advanced needles that help improve biopsy yield2,3, interventional endoscopists and pathologists can potentially increase diagnostic rates.1,3
Engineered to improve clinical workflow by facilitating the passage of multiple needles through a single delivery system, without removing the delivery system.