We offer a comprehensive portfolio of radiofrequency ablation solutions to treat Barrett's esophagus and other GI tract diseases.([FOOTNOTE=Phoa KN, van Vilsteren FG, Pouw RE, et al. Radiofrequency ablation in Barrett's esophagus with confirmed low-grade dysplasia: interim results of a European multicenter randomized controlled trial (SURF). Gastroenterology. 2013; 144:S-187.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=Shaheen NJ, Sharma P, Overholt BF, et al. Radiofrequency ablation in Barrett's esophagus with dysplasia. N Engl J Med. 2009 May 28;360(22):2277-88.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=van Vilsteren FG, Pouw RE, Seewald S, Alvarez HL, Sondermeijer CM, Visser M, et al. Stepwise radical endoscopic resection versus radiofrequency ablation for Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia or early cancer: a multicentre randomised trial. Gut. 2011; 60:765-73.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=Fleischer DE, Overholt BF, Sharma VK, et al. Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation for Barrett's esophagus: 5-year outcomes from a prospective multicenter trial. Endoscopy. 2010;42:781-9],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=Phoa KN, Pouw RE, van Vilsteren FG, et al. Remission of Barrett's esophagus with early neoplasia 5 years after radiofrequency ablation with endoscopic resection: a Netherlands cohort study. Gastroenterology. 2013 Jul; 145(1):96-104.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=Gray NA, Odze RD, Spechler SJ. Buried metaplasia after endoscopic ablation of Barrett's esophagus: a systematic review. AM J Gastroenterol. 2011;106:1899-908.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) With focal and circumferential catheters, plus advanced features designed to increase procedural efficiency, these innovations provide the flexibility needed to meet the unique needs of each patient.
The Barrx™ system is designed to remove the Barrett's epithelium in a short, well-tolerated endoscopic procedure and offers an alternative to "watchful waiting" for patients with intestinal metaplasia, low-grade, and high-grade dysplasia.