The Arcpoint™ pulmonary needle is specifically designed for use with the Medtronic superDimension™ system during an ENB procedure.
Features and benefits include:
Braided sheath - for trackability and maneuverability
Tapered sheath - for ease of sampling
Short rigid metal length - to maximize flexibility
Optional stylet - provides additional rigidity when needed
The GenCut™ core biopsy system is utilized through a flexible endoscope or with the superDimension™ navigation system by physicians who are trained in endoscopic techniques for retrieving specimens from patients with endobronchial lesions, peripheral lung nodules, or lung masses.
Features and benefits include:
Proprietary blade design - able to shear and collect tissue samples that are large and intact, helping physicians to provide pathology with samples that enables cytology, histology and molecular profiling for personalized medicine([FOOTNOTE=Data on file, not a powered study. Animal data is not necessarily indicative of human clinical outcomes.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])
Designed to acquire multiple tissue samples with a single pass - allows continual sampling that decreases procedure time vs. multiple-pass biopsy tools
Capable of flexibility that mimics the sensor catheter([FOOTNOTE=Data on file.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) - gives physicians consistency from navigation to biopsy, accessing lesions throughout the lung2
superDimension™ aspirating needles are to be utilized during flexible bronchoscopy by a trained physician to obtain a cell aspirate in the bronchial tree.
Features and benefits include:
Short needle length - samples endobronchial tissue in distal airways
Clear catheter - allows for direct visualization during sampling
The superDimension™ cytology brush is to be used by a trained physician and/or trained personnel through a flexible endoscope when brush cell samples are required for cytological analysis.
Features and benefits include:
3mm brush diameter - designed to maximize sample size
Metal tipped sheath - allows for fluoroscopic visualization during tissue collection
Features and benefits include:
Sharpened tip - enables tissue to be punctured or penetrated in order to obtain a biopsy sample
3 mm forward-facing bristles - designed to maximize sample size
Silver soldered fused doublewire construction - maintains tip integrity
The superDimension™ triple needle cytology brush is to be utilized through a flexible endoscope, or the superDimension™ system, by physicians who are trained in endoscopic techniques for retrieving specimens from patients with endobronchial lesions, peripheral lung nodules, or lung masses.
Features and benefits include:
Unique three brush design - designed to sample more broadly than a single cytology brush
Three-brush design enables multiple modes of cell collection -
· cells collected on three brushes versus one
· capable of trapping larger tissue samples between the brushes([FOOTNOTE=Data on file.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])
superDimension™ biopsy forceps are intended for use in collecting tissue samples for histological examination.
Features and benefits include:
Shaft reinforced with proprietary sheath - designed to maximize trackability and push to navigate tortuous anatomy
Enhanced column strength - provides control during passage through the superDimension™ extended working channel
Smooth, bilateral cup edges - clean, precise bite