We offer innovative reflux testing solutions that allow you to better understand acid reflux symptoms, assess PPI efficacy and develop the best care plans for patients with GERD.([FOOTNOTE=Richter J, Pandolfino J, Vela M, et al. Utilization of wireless pH monitoring technologies: a summary of the proceedings from the Esophageal Diagnostic working Group. Disease of the Esophagus, 2012 August 7, Page 5.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=Garrean CP, et al. Acid Reflux Detection and Symptom-Reflux Association using 4-Day Wireless pH Recording Combining 48-Hour Periods Off and On PPI Therapy. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008;103:1631-1637. Page 1636, Col 2.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])
Our reflux testing products feature both catheter-based and capsule-based technologies, giving physicians the flexibility to offer solutions that best meet their patients' needs. With pH and impedance measurement, these products provide a complete range of reflux assessment capabilities, helping you formulate appropriate treatment plans for your patients.2