Professionisti del settore sanitario

Cardioblate Detect

Surgical Pacing and Mapping Tool

Indications, Safety, and Warnings

Cardioblate Detect Surgical Pacing and Mapping Tool


The DETECT® Surgical Pacing and Mapping Tool is a hand-held, single use device designed to provide temporary cardiac pacing or monitoring.


This device is designed and intended for single use only. DO NOT RESTERILIZE. Resterilization may cause damage to the electrical connection or the device. This tool should be used only by or under the supervision of physicians trained in cardiac pacing and sensing. This product contains a sharp needle. Use appropriate measures with use and disposal.

Federal law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. For a complete listing of all indications, contraindications, precautions and warnings, please refer to the Instructions for Use which accompany each product.