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When ordinary is extraordinary

Stories of engineering solutions that help people reclaim the moments they cherish.

Data and AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) in our insulin pump is helping to simplify and optimize diabetes management – so people can live every day their way.

“The Annapurna loop:
a human adventure, a medical challenge”.

How five people with type 1 diabetes on a non-stop 9-day trek in the high Nepalese mountains pushed back the limits once imposed by diabetes, thanks to their Medtronic hybrid closed-loop technology innovation.

Personalized healthcare

Advances in big data, technology and digitization are helping doctors tailor treatment to patients like never before.

After DBS surgery, I went for a walk on the beach with my girlfriend, and she filmed me walking, and for the first time in years I was walking properly. She was very shocked when she actually realized that I'd walked on the beach for a good half a mile without any problems.”

— Nick, lives with deep brain stimulation therapy.


How ground-breaking miniaturized healthcare technology creates better outcomes.

With the Micra you don't even know it's there, no bumps, no wires. Most days I forget it's even there.”

— Graham, lives with a small, leadless pacemaker.

A very small pacemaker without leads has allowed Marga to focus on her life and her passion - golf – again, instead of her condition.

The Micra never bothers me, I don't feel it in my body. I don't feel anything at all.”

— Marga, has a small, leadless pacemaker which allows her to exercise again.

Connected care

Healthcare technology that connects people to give them more freedom and confidence. Pamela and Jeffrey share their experiences.  

I feel safe, I feel secure, and I've got freedom. This app is brilliant.”

— Pam, uses an app on her phone to be connected to her care team.

* These stories reflect the personal experiences of a number of people with therapies provided by Medtronic. They are true stories. However, not everyone will respond in the same way to a therapy or procedure, or receive the same results. Only a doctor can determine if this therapy is right for you. Contact your professional healthcare provider for more information about treatment options.

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.

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