Healthcare Professionals

Bioresorbable Ear Packing and Patching Products

for Middle Ear Surgery and Other Otologic Procedures

EpiDisc Tympanic Membrane Perforation Patch Kit

The EpiDisc TM (Tympanic Membrane) Perforation Patch Kit is used in myringoplasty procedures to repair tympanic membrane perforations and aid wound healing. For TM perforations and middle ear surgery, let EpiDisc help your patients heal.

EpiDisc TM (Tympanic Membrane) Perforation Patch Kit

Detail: The EpiDisc healing process

Microperforations Healing TM Perforations

icon-pdf View the Krueger “HAT” Tympanoplasty technique using EpiDisc and MeroGel ear packing.

For tympanic membrane perforations, surgeons can use the EpiDisc® TM Perforation Patch Kit.

  • Aids wound healing
  • Helps keep the surgical site moist
  • Resorbs into the body
  • Includes one 8 mm EpiDisc and a 2 cm square of MeroGel QuickGel® Otologic Dressing

EpiDisc and MeroGel QuickGel

EpiDisc Otologic Lamina and MeroGel QuickGel are made from esterified hyaluronic acid.  

  • EpiDisc is a thin, implantable scaffold with thousands of microperforations that help facilitate cell proliferation, tissue regrowth, and drainage while the tympanic membrane perforation is healing
  • MeroGel QuickGel dressing changes into a viscous transparent hyaluronan gel that conforms to the surface of the tympanic membrane when hydrated

Hyaluronic Acid and Middle Ear Surgery

In middle ear surgery, biocompatible1-7 hyaluronic acid has been shown to improve the natural healing of the mastoid cavity following tympanoplasty and help reduce fibrous scarring.1-4

Repairing Tympanic Membrane Perforations

pdf Krueger “H.A.T.” Hyaluronic Acid Tympanoplasty Technique (.pdf)

View the Krueger “HAT” Tympanoplasty technique using EpiDisc and MeroGel ear packing


Tympanic membrane (TM) perforations are common and usually follow episodes of acute otitis media, ventilation tube insertion, or trauma.

Symptoms can include conductive hearing loss, aural fullness, pain, tinnitus, and exudate. Some patients with TM perforations may by asymptomatic.

In many cases, the TM perforation heals on its own. Tympanic membrane perforations that do not heal spontaneously, even small ones, may require surgical repair, particularly when they are associated with hearing loss or recurrent infection. Furthermore, patients must be careful to avoid exposing the ear to water and possible infection.



Sayin I, Kaya KH, Ekizoğlu O, Erdim I. A prospective controlled trial comparing spontaneous closure and EpiFilm patching in traumatic tympanic membrane perforations. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012. Epub: 2013 January 5. doi: 10.1007/s00405-012-2331-x.


Saliba I, Knapik M, Froehlich P, Abela A. Advantages of hyaluronic acid fat graft myringoplasty over fat graft myringoplasty. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012; 138(10):950-955.


Laurent C, Hellstrom S, Stenfors L. Hyaluronic acid reduces connective tissue formation in middle ears filled with absorbable gelatin sponge: an experimental study. Am J Otolaryngol.1986; 7:181-186.


Martini A, Morra B. Use of a hyaluronan-based biomembrane in the treatment of chronic cholesteatomatous otitis media. Am J Otology. 2000; 21:468-473.


Pirnazar P, et al. Bacteriostatic effects of hyaluronic acid. J Periodontol. 1999; 70:370-374.


Longaker MT, et al. Studies in fetal wound healing. A prolonged presence of hyaluronic acid characterized wound fluid. Annals of Surgery. 1991; 213:292-296.


Grainger DA, et al. The use of hyaluronic acid polymers to reduce postoperative adhesions. J Gynecol Surg. 1991; 7:97-101.