Brain Arteriovenous Malformation
Embolization Products
Healthcare Professionals

Onyx™ Liquid Embolic System

onyx liquid embolic system image
Onyx LES is indicated for presurgical embolization of brain arteriovenous malformations (bAVMs).

Indications, Safety, and Warnings Product Details

Apollo™ Onyx™ Delivery Microcatheter
Marathon™ Flow Directed Microcatheter

apollo and marathon close up

The Apollo™ Onyx™ delivery microcatheter was expressly designed to access the neuro vasculature for the controlled selective infusion of the Onyx™ liquid embolic system (LES).1

The Marathon™ Flow Directed Microcatheter is intended to access the peripheral and neuro vasculature for the controlled selective infusion of physician-specified therapeutic agents such as embolization materials and of diagnostic materials such as contrast media.2

Indications, Safety, and Warnings

Product Details

70556-001 05/13


70876-001 03/14