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Get an in-depth look at the Insight Link® telehealth solution. Our partnership with American Well puts critical information at your fingertips to help you remotely monitor and treat high-risk patients.

High-risk patients often need high-touch care at home. You can monitor your patients with complex, chronic, co-morbid conditions using one comprehensive telehealth solution that combines remote patient monitoring and telemedicine visits.

In a first-of-its-kind partnership, Medtronic Care Management Services and American Well transform the way healthcare is delivered with a telehealth solution that helps you monitor your at-risk patient populations from their homes, while allowing you to take clinical intervention through American Well’s app-based telemedicine service.


The Insight Link telehealth solution brings American Well telemedicine technology into the Medtronic Care Management Services remote patient monitoring program. This integration merges point-in-time EMR-based data, over-time symptom and biometric data, and just-in-time telemedicine visit data — putting critical information at your fingertips to help you monitor and make treatment decisions remotely.

An infographic showing how Insight Link works


Insight Link connects patients, clinicians, and data — moving patients with complex, chronic, co-morbid conditions closer to a single remote solution. The solution is designed to enable preventative care, follow-up, care escalation, and patient education.

With Insight Link, your patient has access to two applications: a Medtronic app to perform a daily health check and an American Well app to connect with a clinician for a virtual visit.

When a patient completes a health check, the patient’s biometric and symptom data is collected in the Omnivisor® Pro clinical monitoring software. The clinician can access the data either through Omnivisor Pro or integrated with the electronic medical record. The data, combined with other health information and nurse notes, is transmitted to the American Well app so it is at-the-ready for clinical decision support during the next virtual visit.

When a patient requests a live virtual visit with their clinician, the video visit summary is collected into Omnivisor Pro and integrated into the patient’s health information or electronic medical record. The care team uses the visit information for clinical decision support.

An infographic showing how Insight Link works

Designed to bring YOU MORE


Converging patient health data in one place for care teams can help:

  • Improve efficiencies, connecting critical data and storing it in one location for easy access by care teams
  • Enhance care team collaboration
  • Align complementary data sources to show you a broader patient view, including symptoms and biometric data


Providing more robust and better organized patient health information can help:

  • Remove patient information siloes between clinicians and care teams to expand access to monitoring data and video visit summaries
  • Identify opportunities for early intervention through real-time data collection
  • Escalate cases to physicians through addition of data from telemedicine visits
  • Offer a more complete patient view through access to current and previous patient data readings


Opening new routes for your care team to connect with patients can help:

  • Address care at time of need with an option for telemedicine visits
  • Increase touchpoints through the combination of remote patient monitoring and telemedicine interactions
  • Prevent unnecessary trips to the hospital through active involvement with clinicians