Barrett's resources

Barrett's esophagus
risk assessment

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Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal cancer

Take the assessment below and share the responses with your gastroenterologist. Each question represents a potential risk factor for Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer.1–3 Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your gastroenterologist for diagnosis and treatment information.

* Indicates a required field.

Do you have frequent reflux symptoms?*1-3

Are you of Caucasian race?*1-3

Are you male?*1-3

Are you age 50 or older?*1-3

Are you overweight?*1-3

Do you use tobacco products or have you ever used tobacco products?*1-3

Do you have a family history of Barrett’s esophagus, cancer of the stomach, or cancer of the esophagus?*1-4

Have you been diagnosed with diabetes?*1-3

Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnea?*1-4

  1. Arora Z, Garber A, Thota PN. Risk factors for Barrett’s esophagus. Journal of digestive diseases. 2016;17(4):215-221.
  2. Dam AN, Klapman J. A narrative review of Barrett’s esophagus in 2020, molecular and clinical update. Annals of translational medicine. 2020;8(17):1107.
  3. Jajoo K, Borges LF. Epidemiology of Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Cancer. Springer International Publishing. 2019.
  4. Tofani CJ, Gandhi K, Spataro J, et al. Esophageal adenocarcinoma in a first-degree relative increases risk for esophageal adenocarcinoma in patients with Barrett’s esophagusUnited European gastroenterology journal. 2019;7(2):225-229.