Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease Your Health

Getting the Stent or Surgery

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Getting A Stent or Bypass Surgery for Coronary Artery Disease

Getting A Stent or Bypass Surgery for Coronary Artery Disease

Each year, people worldwide receive stents or bypass surgery. Stents are minimally invasive, and may only require one night in the hospital. A beating heart bypass is major surgery that employs a device to stabilise a small area of your beating heart.

You can do a lot to control cardiovascular disease by taking medications, changing your diet, and making other lifestyle changes. But sometimes, those changes aren't enough to reduce the effects of clogged arteries. When that is the case, or if you have a heart attack or other symptoms of coronary artery disease, your doctor may suggest that you see a cardiologist.

Factors Your Doctor May Consider

To determine what treatment is right for you, your cardiologist will take a number of factors into consideration, including your age, your cardiovascular condition, the condition of your coronary arteries, your overall medical condition, and your health history. After a series of tests, your cardiologist may suggest angioplasty, stenting, or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG).
More: Stenting
More: Bypass surgery

Your Healthcare Team

If you are a candidate for coronary artery disease treatment, your cardiology team will be involved at every stage of the procedure. Depending on the therapy, the team may consist of cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, radiologists, anaesthetists, nurse practitioners, and other specialists as needed.
More: Stenting
More: Bypass surgery

Surgery: What to Expect

Unless you are faced with a medical emergency, you will have time to learn about your surgery, what to expect, and how to prepare. Take an active role in learning about the procedure, so that when your doctor explains the surgery to you, you will already be somewhat familiar with the procedure.
More: Stenting
More: Bypass surgery

Next: Factors Your Doctor May Consider

Balloon Angioplasty and Stenting

Beating Heart Bypass Surgery




Heart Center, The North American Heart Risk Study. Available at:


Puskas J Cheng D, Knight J, Angelini G, DeCannier A, Dullum M, Martin J, Ochi M, Patel N, Sim E, Trehan N, Zamvar V. Off-pump versus conventional coronary artery bypass grafting; a meta-analysis and consensus statement from the 2005 ISMICS Consensus Conference. Innovations. 2005; 1;3-27.


Subramanian VA, Patel NU, Patel NC, Loulmet DF. Robotic assisted multivessel MidCAB with port-access stabilization and cardiac positioning: paving way for outpatient in CABG? Abstract submitted at the Society of Thoracic Surgeons meeting. San Antonio, TX January 25-28, 2004.

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.