
The Story's Headline Should Go Here and Not Be Very Long

The enticing summary of the article should go in this place as a complete sentence, ending with a period.


This is a text editor component. It should be used to place text — primarily paragraph copy that doesn't contain subheads or section headings. This component containing paragraph text is typically used to provide space between other components that contain text with headlines ortext with images.

This is a text editor component. It should be used to place text — primarily paragraph copy that doesn't contain subheads or section headings. This component containing paragraph text is typically used to provide space between other components that contain text with headlines ortext with images.

A second or third paragraph in this component will provide some additional space between the images. The first text editor component didn't contain a lot of text, not enough to provide sufficent space between the hero image and the first text-wrapped image.


Caption Line 1

Caption Line 2 provides a lot more space to provide description. Note that these captions are not required.

This is a text wrapped image component. This component requires body text and an image with alt text. The image can be aligned to the left or right. The image can have a caption and provides for Caption Line 1, which is bolded like a caption headline, and Caption Line 2 which is on the line below Caption Line 1 and is used to provide more descriptive copy, even a paragraph.

Images placed in this area should be square images, uploaded to the Digital Asset Manager as 750 x750 pixel image files with standard 72/dpi resolution. This component provides a field for a headline, but the headline is not required. It is recommended to alternate image alignment so that the content appears balanced. The hero image if left-aligned, so the first text-wrapped image should usually be right-aligned.

Headline here, from the Headline,Text Component

Both the headline and body text fields are required with the Headline, Text component. Additional headlines paired with text can be added within this one component as well.


This is a text wrapped image component.This component requires body text and an image with alt text. The image can be aligned to the left or right. The image can have a caption and provides for Caption Line 1, which is bolded like a caption headline, and Caption Line 2 which is on the line below Caption Line 1 and is used to provide more descriptive copy, even a paragraph.

Images placed in this area should be square images, uploaded to the Digital Asset Manager as 750 x750 pixel image files with standard 72/dpi resolution. This component provides a field for a headline, but the headline is not required. It is recommended to alternate image alignment so that the content appears balanced. The hero image if left-aligned, so the first text-wrapped image should usually be right-aligned.

This component does not have a caption in order to demonstrate how text wraps around the image.



Reference goes here as regular text. The system styles it for you. But you will need to link web addresses manually.