Your Healthcare Team Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus


You’ll work with a variety of healthcare professionals as you pursue shunt therapy from Medtronic.

This team will likely include the following medical professionals:

  • A neurologist familiar with shunt therapy will determine if shunt therapy is the right choice
  • A neurosurgeon who has experience with shunt therapy will perform the procedure to implant the shunt
  • A team of nurses will assist the neurosurgeon throughout the entire process

Part of the healthcare team’s job is to make sure the treatment is as comfortable as possible. Always ask for clarification if there’s something you don’t understand. Also, make sure to communicate any concerns you may have regarding the procedure or follow-up treatment.

Remember: You’ll get the best results from your treatment by actively participating in discussions with the members of your healthcare team.

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.