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ENT Reimbursement


These downloadable documents provide general coverage and reimbursement information for a variety of ENT healthcare services.

Currently we offer the following information regarding coding and reimbursement.

The documents listed below provide general reimbursement information to assist in obtaining coverage and reimbursement for healthcare services.


HCPCS codes are provided in the coding documents below when applicable. Most ENT devices, supplies and other items used by hospitals and physicians do not have applicable HCPCS II codes. Therefore, hospitals should report these charges in the general revenue code for the item (i.e. revenue code 270 for Medical-Surgical Supplies). Please contact us for additional assistance as needed.

Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring

Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring Guide (PDF, 140 KB)
Coding and reimbursement information for intraoperative nerve monitoring.

Balloon Sinus Dilation and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Balloon Sinus Dilation and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Guide (PDF, 208 KB)
Coding and reimbursement information for balloon sinus dilation and endoscopic sinus surgery for the physician office and facility.

Sleep Therapies

Tongue and Hyoid Suspension Coding Guide (PDF, 140 KB)
Coding and reimbursement information for tongue suspension and hyoid suspension for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Nasal Vestibular Stenosis, Septoplasty and Inferior Turbinoplasty

Nasal Vestibular Stenosis Coding Guide (PDF, 208 KB)
Coding and reimbursement information for nasal vestibular stenosis.

Hearing Therapies

Implantable Magnetic Transcutaneous Bone Conduction Hearing System Coding Guide (PDF, 156 KB)
Coding and reimbursement information for implantable magnetic transcutaneous bone conduction hearing system.