If a person has scoliosis and is still growing, a brace can help halt a curve’s progression.

How does Bracing Work?

Girl wearing Scoliosis brace

If a person with scoliosis has a spinal curve of 25 to 40 degrees and are still growing, a doctor may recommend wearing a brace. The purpose of wearing the brace is to keep the curve in the spine from getting worse as a person continues to grow. However, it's usually not intended to reduce the amount of curve that a person already has.

Some clinical studies support the use of bracing in young patients whose curves are at risk of progressing. According to several studies conducted by the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), bracing successfully stops curve progression in 74% to 93% of female patients with idiopathic scoliosis, depending on the type of brace used and the duration of use.1

Because bracing is designed to halt the progression of the curve, it's generally not recommended for treating scoliosis in young people who are skeletally mature or almost mature. Once skeletal growth has reached a certain point, or if the curve has become too severe (typically more than 40 to 50 degrees), bracing is generally not as effective. Bracing is also typically not recommended for treating adult scoliosis. Corrective surgery may be recommended in these instances.

A doctor will determine if bracing is the appropriate treatment for a spinal curve. If so, he or she will also decide which type of brace is appropriate and how long the brace should be worn. Discuss treatment and bracing options thoroughly with a doctor.

What Is A Brace?

There are several different kinds of braces commonly prescribed for children and adolescents with scoliosis. A brace is often made out of plastic and is contoured specifically to a person's body, with strategically placed padding and straps that place resistance on particular spinal curve(s).


First, there will be a brace fitting with an orthotic specialist, the person or team who will design and make the brace will create it based on a doctor's prescription. Different parts of a person's body will be measured to ensure that the brace will fit.

Once the brace is ready, an orthotist will demonstate how to put on the brace and provide specific instructions for wearing it. At first, the brace will be worn for a few hours a day, eventually building up to the full amount of time a doctor prescribes, which may be up to 23 hours per day. At first, a person may need help putting their brace on, but most people soon learn how to do this by themselves.

Follow-up visits with a doctor, which may include spinal x-rays, will determine whether a brace is keeping a spine positioned correctly. The brace also will be checked periodically to make sure it's still fitting properly as a person continues to grow. Be sure to ask the doctor whom to contact if there are any concerns or difficulties with the brace between check-ups.


Staying active is important and healthy! A person who is wearing a brace should be able to continue to do anything they normally like to do, such as sports, playing an instrument, or hanging out with friends. A brace can be removed while participating in a sports activity. Any activity done while wearing a brace should be okay, but if in doubt, check with a doctor first.


A brace is worn under clothes, so anything that fits over the brace should be fine. Most people find loose-fitting clothes to be more comfortable over the brace and wear clothes a size or two larger than usual.

A well-fitted, wrinkle-free, seamless 100% cotton t-shirt should always be worn under a brace. This will help keep the brace from rubbing the skin. Seams can be particularly irritating, if seamless 100% cotton t-shirts can't be found in your local retail stores, contact an orthotic specialist. Many orthotic specialists will custom-make these garments.

MaximiSING The Benefits Of A Brace

To give a brace the greatest chance of successfully stopping the progression of a spinal curve, it's important that:

  • The brace is worn each day for the full amount of time a doctor prescribes
  • A person takes good care of their skin daily
  • A well-fitting, wrinkle-free shirt is worn under the brace at all times
  • The brace is worn exactly as instructed by a doctor
  • That all exercises recommended by your doctor are performed

Nachemson AL, Peterson LE. Effectiveness of treatment with a brace in girls who have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A prospective, controlled study based on data from the Brace Study of the Scoliosis Research Society. J Bone Joint Surg Am. June 1995;77(6):815-822.