EARLY MOBILITY SAVES LIVES([FOOTNOTE=*Per 10% increase in ABCDEF bundle compliance, adjusted for ICU patients receiving palliative care. Barnes-Daly MA, Phillips G, Ely EW. Improving hospital survival and reducing brain dysfunction at seven California community hospitals: implementing PAD guidelines via the ABCDEF bundle in 6,064 patients. Crit Care Med. 2017;45(2):171–178. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002149.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])

12% higher patient hospital survival rate with ABCDEF bundle compliance1*

Bundled with other interventions, early mobility addresses complications associated with extended periods of sedation, mechanical ventilation, and bed rest. Outcomes include:

  • Improved hospital survival rate
  • Fewer days of delirium
  • Fewer days of coma1


$4,119 average cost savings per patient([FOOTNOTE=*Based on average of costs for first 7 days in ICU. Dasta JF, McLaughlin TP, Mody SH, Piech CT. Daily cost of an intensive care unit day: the contribution of mechanical ventilation. Crit Care Med. 2005;33(6):1266–1271.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])*

By reducing the length of ICU and hospital stays, early patient mobilization also reduces costs. Check out our hospital cost/benefit calculator to see how implementing early mobility can save hospital resources.

Early Mobility Works for Patients

Let’s Make It Work for Clinicians

Initiating rehabilitation activities 24 to 48 hours after ICU admission may result in many positive outcomes for patients.([FOOTNOTE=Morris PE, Goad A, Thompson C, et al. Early intensive care unit mobility therapy in the treatment of acute respiratory failure. Crit Care Med. 2008;36(8):2238–2243. doi: 10.1097/CCM.Ob013e318180b90e.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])

By taking a team-based approach, clinicians can bring the benefits of early mobility to their ICU.

Overcoming a Culture of Immobility in the ICU

Research shows that early mobility initiatives may improve patient outcomes and offer economic potential for ICUs. Still, many ICUs cite cultural barriers to implementing such initiatives. Read our post for some tips on how to overcome them.

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