What is respiratory compromise?

Respiratory compromise is a decline in respiratory function that if left unaddressed will likely lead to respiratory failure or death.([FOOTNOTE=Morris TA, Gay PC, MacIntyre NR, et al. Respiratory Compromise as a New Paradigm for the Care of Vulnerable Hospitalized Patients. Respiratory care. 2017;62(4):497-512.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])

Identifying at-risk patients

Learn more about the Prediction of Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression in Patients Monitored by Capnography (PRODIGY) study on identifying patients at risk for respiratory compromise.

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Impact of respiratory compromise

Failure of detection and prevention of respiratory compromise is associated with significant human and economic toll.([FOOTNOTE=Lee LA, Caplan RA, Stephens LS, et al. Postoperative opioid-induced respiratory depression: a closed claims analysis. Anesthesiology. 2015;122(3):659-665.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])



Detecting and preventing respiratory compromise

Focusing on detection and subsequent prevention is key to reducing the impact of respiratory compromise.3,4,([FOOTNOTE=Quach JL, Downey AW, Haase M, Haase-Fielitz A, Jones D, Bellomo R. Characteristics and outcomes of patients receiving a medical emergency team review for respiratory distress or hypotension. Journal of critical care. 2008;23(3):325-331.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])

Learning Path

Respiratory Compromise

This series of videos and educational resources provides a structured curriculum to guide you through respiratory compromise.

Through this pathway you will learn about:

  • Capnography basics
  • Applications of capnography in different care settings
  • Featured accredited opportunities