Professionisti del settore sanitario

Bioresorbable Nasal Packing Products

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Medtronic offers additional products for sinus surgery, such as our powered ENT instruments, blades, burs, and powered sinus irrigation.

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Powered Instruments

Powered ENT Instruments

Powered ENT Instruments for Sinus Surgery and Other ENT Procedures

Powered ENT instruments for sinus surgery and other ENT procedures

Medtronic’s innovative powered ENT instruments for sinus surgery facilitate speed, precision, and surgical access in minimally invasive procedures. In fact, we developed and patented the first powered sinus debrider in 1997.

Powered ENT Instruments for Sinus Surgery and Other ENT Procedures

Powered Inferior Turbinate Blades for the Straightshot M4 and M5 microdebriders,

Our broad selection of powered ENT instruments provides exceptional versatility, such as our Integrated Power Console (IPC® System), Straightshot® M4 and M5 microdebriders, and Inferior Turbinate Blades.


Endoscopic Irrigator

Scope Cleaner