Welcome to your smarter surgical suite

Product image for Medtronic Synergy Suite for DBS

O-arm™ surgical imaging system

The O-arm system’s high quality, versatile imaging provides the information you need to meet workflow demands and guide your clinical decision making. 



StealthStation™ S8 surgical navigation system

The StealthStation™ S8 uses a combination of hardware, software, tracking algorithms, image data merging, and specialized instruments to help guide you during DBS procedures.


Alpha Omega

Medtronic and Alpha Omega have partnered to bring you microelectrode recording solutions to assist in finding the optimal location and placement of the DBS lead.

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How your peers are using the surgical suite

Discover how three neurosurgeons — Dr. Francisco Ponce, Director, Barrow Center for Neuromodulation, Dr. Albert Fenoy, Associate Professor​­ Director, Functional Neurosurgery​ Northwell Health​, and Professor Zvi Israel, Director, Unit for Functional and Restorative Surgery, Dept. of Neurosurgery at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem — are using the Medtronic surgical suite to enhance surgical workflow and improve patient experiences.

pdf How HaGuide is changing the role of electrophysiology in DBS procedures article (.pdf)

Read an article detailing the ways HaGuide is changing the role of electrophysiology in the DBS procedure.


Read HaGuide article
pdf Surgical Synergy™ for DBS (.pdf)

Dr. Albert Fenoy explains how he uses Surgical Synergy™ for DBS to create an individualized approach to DBS surgery for his patients.


Read Surgical Synergy™ article
pdf O-Arm™ Surgical Synergy (.pdf)

Dr Franciso Ponce discusses how better surgical integration can improve workflow in DBS procedures.


Read O-Arm™ article
pdf The value of teamwork (.pdf)

Dr. Francisco Pone and Dr. Albert Fenoy discuss their thoughts on the value of teamwork in the OR and how it enhances their process.

Read teamwork article

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