Healthcare Professionals

Temporary Myocardial Pacing Leads


The Streamline® family is the gold standard in temporary sensing and pacing leads.


Generations of Innovation

Medtronic presents the Streamline® family of temporary sensing and pacing leads. Our engineers have taken the gold standard in temporary pacing leads and improved upon the features that make them easy to use and less traumatic to heart tissue.

The Streamline family from Medtronic is designed for temporary pacing and sensing during and after cardiac surgery. The Medtronic Streamline family includes models that offer consistent unipolar atrial and ventricular pacing, pediatric unipolar pacing, and now, the bipolar pacing lead.

All Medtronic temporary pacing leads are compatible with Medtronic external pulse generators. Integrating more than 50 years of scientific and technological pacing expertise into our temporary pacing leads, Streamline is the lead you can trust.

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Pediatric 6491

Unipolar Pediatric Temporary Pacing Lead

The Model 6491 Unipolar Pediatric Temporary Pacing Lead is designed for temporary atrial and ventricular sensing and pacing during and after cardiac surgery. This temporary pacing lead has been downsized, making it the ideal lead for pediatric patients or small hearts.

Features include:

  • Smaller fixation coil well suited for thinner pediatric tissue
  • Curved chest needle for greater leverage through small chest cavity
  • Discrete electrode for consistent sensing and pacing
  • Connector pin sleeves insulate connector pins while not in use

Important Safety Information

The possibility of dislodgement, lead fractures, threshold elevation and sensing inconsistency exists. Other potential complications include, but are not limited to, myocardial irritability, septicaernia and myocardial infections, myocardial bleeding and damage, especially during removal of the pacing lead(s).