Living With a Shunt Shunt for Hydrocephalus


Hydrocephalus requires long-term follow-up care. It’s important that you have regular check-ups with the neurosurgeon so they can monitor progress and test for any changes that may indicate a shunt malfunction.

The Importance of Ongoing Medical Care

You will need to have medical check-ups according to the schedule your neurosurgeon  recommends. Physical and occupational therapy may also speed recovery and further enhance health.

Helping Children Understand Hydrocephalus

If the individual with hydrocephalus is a child, remember that he or she may be fearful of what’s happening. Many children may suspect a serious problem even if you haven’t come right out and characterised it in that way.

When children know what to expect, they’re generally more cooperative and calm. In a quiet, calm atmosphere where he or she feels safe and loved, explain hydrocephalus to the child.

If you need help knowing where to begin, most children’s hospitals have a specialist on staff that can help explain hydrocephalus and surgery on the child’s developmental level. There are also numerous children’s books available to help children better understand their visits to the hospital.