Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb (uterus).

Many women are unaware that they have fibroids because they don’t have any symptoms. Fibroids are common, with around 1 in 3 women developing them at some point in their life. They most often occur and become symptomatic in women aged 30 to 50. In some cases, further complications caused by fibroids can affect pregnancy or cause infertility. They usually become asymptomatic after the menopause.1

What are the symptoms of fibroids?

Symptoms can include:

  • Heavy and/or painful periods
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lower back pain
  • A frequent need to urinate
  • Constipation
  • Pain or discomfort during sex1

Don’t neglect your own well being. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms make time to consult your doctor or healthcare professional.

What happens next?

As around only one third of women experience symptoms, fibroids are often diagnosed by chance during a routine gynaecological examination, test or scan.

However diagnosis may involve:

  • Pelvic examination
  • 3D or gel-infused ultrasound scan (either abdominal or transvaginal)
  • Hysteroscopy, when a small telescope (hysteroscope) is inserted into the womb through the vagina and cervix

How are fibroids treated?

Medical Treatments are available and can be used to reduce heavy periods and pain such as anti-inflammatory or hormonal treatment (anti-estrogen treatment). A number of surgical approaches may be proposed, dependent upon the patient and the nature of fibroids.

These include:

Hysteroscopic electrical resection of fibroids

This is a procedure where a hysteroscope and small surgical instruments are used to remove fibroids from inside the womb (submucosal fibroids). It is suitable for women who want to have children in the future. The procedure is carried out under a general or spinal anesthetic.

Hysteroscopic mechanical tissue removal of fibroids

A new procedure where a clinician who has received specific training in the technique uses a specially designed non-electrical mechanical resection device to cut away and remove the fibroid tissue. The main benefit of this treatment compared with conventional electrical hysteroscopic resection is that it also allows the treatment to be conducted in outpatient clinic with no or only local anesthesia.


A myomectomy is surgery to remove the fibroids from the wall of your womb. It may be considered as an alternative to a hysterectomy if you still would like to have children. A myomectomy isn’t suitable for all types of fibroids. Your gynecologist can advise whether the procedure is suitable based on factors such as the size, number, position and nature of the fibroids.


A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. This treatment may be considered if you have multiple symptomatic fibroids or severe bleeding, and you don’t wish to have any more children. There are a number of different ways a hysterectomy can be carried out: Vaginal Hysterectomy, Laparoscopic Hysterectomy or Abdominal Hysterectomy. Both the vaginal and the laparoscopic hysterectomy are considered as Minimally Invasive Procedures and allow a reasonably fast discharge from hospital and return to normal activity.1

Uterine Artery Embolization

Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a procedure to treat fibroids without surgery. During the procedure, the blood supply to the fibroid is interrupted which causes it to shrink. Even though the uterus is preserved with this procedure, fertility of the patient might be impacted.

Check out the different pathologies

Uterine Polyps

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Uterine Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Don't neglect your own well being

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms make time to consult your doctor or healthcare professional.


1. NHS website. (2021, November 18). Fibroids. Nhs.Uk. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/fibroids/