Integrated Health SolutionsSM

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Integrated health solutionsSM

Jeden Tag setzen wir unser Fachwissen ein, um Gesundheitsdienstleister bei der raschen Umstellung auf die wachsenden Herausforderungen von morgen zu unterstützen.



Latest insights

Medical technology concept.

Care pathway transformation and digital health: The time is now

Read our special report in collaboration with key opinion leaders across Europe on how care delivery has transformed through digital health solutions and how providers can utilize innovative solutions quickly and efficiently.

Medical professional reviewing on her tablet in the hallway on the second floor by the railings.

Get Ready® - Remote patient management

Advancing healthcare delivery and transforming care pathways through digital health solutions. Read how we can help you care more from a distance.  

Female surgeons performing surgery wearing surgical PPE, loupes, and face shields - Image

Same-Day Discharge 

Accelerating the shift from inpatient surgery to same-day discharge. Read how we can help you increase capacity and improve outcomes by making same-day discharge a reality.  

Unsere Erfolge

We partner with hospital management and medical leaders to transform care pathways and clinical operations, with a shared goal of improving efficiency and outcomes, increasing patient and staff satisfaction and optimizing costs. 



Neueste Meldungen

Wer wir sind





Managing Cath Labs and operating rooms

Improve outcomes and efficiencies with an integrated and modular offer to upgrade infrastructure and equipment, support Cath Lab and OR management and improve operational efficiency.

Wir sind ein Team erfahrener und hochqualifizierter Experten, die Gesundheitsdienstleistern helfen:

  • ihre klinische und betriebliche Leistung zu maximieren
  • die Kosten zu optimieren
  • eine leistungsstarke Organisation zu entwickeln
  • digitale Innovationen einzuführen





Accelerating care pathways 

Implement, run and sustain care pathways that are evidence-based and patient-centric with a comprehensive solution based on industry best practices.







Optimizing efficiency in healthcare delivery

Streamline operations to increase capacity, maximize budgets, enable faster access to care, and promote greater patient and staff satisfaction using a portfolio of tailored solutions.                 





Developing high-performance organizations

Make the transition to a culture of excellence and continue to improve your healthcare setting with dedicated tools and a proven, hospital-centric  approach.




IHS arbeitet mit dem Management von Krankenhäusern und medizinischen Führungskräften zusammen, um die Effizienz und die Ergebnisse ihrer Einrichtungen zu verbessern. Ziele der Zusammenarbeit sind z. B. die Zufriedenheit von Patienten und Mitarbeitenden zu erhöhen, Budgets effizient zu nutzen und die Art und Weise der Leistungserbringung zu verändern.

Mit unserer Erfahrung aus Hunderten von Projekten in der gesamten EMEA-Region bieten wir bewährte und hocheffektive Lösungen, die schnell auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten werden können und jetzt sowie in Zukunft einen Mehrwert schaffen.

Unser Angebot

Our success stories 


Rigshospitalet main building - image

Rigshospitalet transforms care delivery to enhance patient experience and save €2M+

Read about our partnership with Rigshospitalet where we implemented data-driven management systems to enable the hospital to make informed decisions to drive improvements and track value creation. 

A medical professional explaining information to a mature male patient - Image

St. Antonius hospital optimizes capacity with same-day discharge for cardiac procedures

A same-day discharge approach for cardiac patients freed up 8-10 ward beds and allowed St. Antonius hospital to increase capacity while maintaining quality and patient satisfaction.   

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust main building - Image

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust reduces costs and increases on-time starts

We helped Imperial leverage its supply buying power and reduce waste to save more than £500,000.


Managed Service clients

Katheter-labore und ops


Cath Labs and ORs


Über 300 
TRANSFOR- MATIONs-projekte jährlich


Transformation projects annually

In 27 
Ländern aktiv


Countries with operations





We needed a specialized outside team to support us in being more efficient and following high standards. We sought a partner [IHS] that would enable us to deliver the highest level of care for patients.

- Soren Boesgaard Head of Cardiology Department Rigshospitalet, Denmark





Connect with one of our experts

We are a team of experienced and highly trained experts who help providers reach their healthcare delivery goals. If you think we can help you, reach out to one of our advisors today for more information on what the Integrated Health Solutions team  can do for your hospital. 








Some of our trusted partners

We establish long-term partnerships with leading institutions across EMEA to help them improve efficiency and provide high-quality patient care.


Partner logos- Image




Image of a Medtronic HVAD pump on a dark blue gradient background.


Lesen Sie, wie wir dazu beigetragen, Behandlungspfade zu verändern, die Effizienz zu verbessern und unsere Kunden dabei unterstützen noch mehr zu erreichen.

Erfahren Sie mehr
Image of a Medtronic's Avalus Bioprothesis on a blue gradient background.

wie wir arbeiten

Erfahren Sie, wie wir die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden ermitteln und gemeinsam maßgeschneiderte und nachhaltige Lösungen umsetzen.

Erfahren Sie mehr
Image of Medtronic's Symplicity Spyral catheter for renal denervation on a light blue gradient background.


Finden Sie heraus, wie unsere bewährten Programme auf die Bedürfnisse Ihres Krankenhauses zugeschnitten werden können.

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