Healthcare Professionals

5F Torqr Coronary Sinus Series

Diagnostic Catheters

5F Torqr Coronary Sinus Series Diagnostic Catheters

The 5F Torqr series of catheters provides variable curve shapes designed for easy advancement and precise tip placement to match different heart anatomies.


  • Curve shape may avoid inadvertent placement into side branches of the CS, but still allows easy placement into the CS
  • 5F size may allow catheter to advance further into the CS

Important Safety Information

Diagnostic catheters should be used by a trained physician in a fully equipped electrophysiology laboratory as risks such as vasculature perforation may occur.

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  • Fixed curve, braided stainless steel shaft
  • Decapolar (10) electrodes
  • 2/2/2, 2/5/2, 2/8/2 electrode spacing
  • 65 cm and 90 cm lengths