Healthcare Professionals


External Drainage and Monitoring System

Exacta External Drainage and Monitoring System

Efficiency, Simplicity, and Control

The innovative Exacta™ External Drainage and Monitoring System delivers efficiency, simplicity, and the means to laser level the system for managing external CSF drainage. It’s also economical, with a reusable, blue pole clamp and a single-use drainage system.

About Exacta EDMS

The Exacta™ External Drainage and Monitoring system may be used for ventricular or lumbar drainage and has a reusable pole-clamp scale, which helps to reduce waste disposal and inventory levels. The Exacta system can be mounted to a standard IV pole to help keep the patient’s bedside clear. Several configurations are available to meet your specific needs and provide a reliable solution for your external drainage patients.

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Exacta EDMS Features

Reusable Pole Clamp

  • Two scales, mm of Hg and cm of H2O
  • Laser leveling device
  • Extended negative scale for lumbar drainage

Disposable Drainage System

  • Small profile design
  • Hydrophobic filter
  • Two latex-free needleless injection sites
  • 50 or 100 mL graduated drip chamber
  • Removable drainage bag (600 mL)
  • Dedicated attachment site for transducer

how it works