Challenges in Patient Management

Crohn’s disease is a chronic, diffuse disease which leads to a number of clinical challenges in diagnosing and monitoring disease activity:

  • Diagnosis can take up to multiple years([FOOTNOTE= Dubcenco E, Jeejeebhoy K, Petroniene R, Tang S, Zalev A, Gardiner G, et al. Capsule endoscopy findings in patients with established and suspected small-bowel Crohn’s disease. Gastrointest Endosc. 2005;62(4):538-44.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])
  • CT enterography and small bowel follow through expose patients to radiation
  • Regardless of whether they have surgery, 28-45% of patients have a clinical recurrence at 5 years and 36-61% at 10 years([FOOTNOTE=Buisson A, Chevaux JB, Allen PB, Bommelaer G, Peyrin-Biroulet L. Review article: the natural history of postoperative Crohn’s disease recurrence. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2012;35:625-33.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])


Crohn’s disease presents a number of clinical challenges in diagnosing and monitoring.  Learn about the benefits of capsule endoscopy from diagnosis to disease management.  Access provider and patient resources and download tools to help educate your community.

  • 4. Reinink AR, Lee TC, Higgins PD. Endoscopic mucosal healing predicts favorable clinical outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease: a meta-analysis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2016 Aug;22(8):1859-69.