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"Healthcare is changing – it is moving toward value and measuring outcomes that are very important to patients."
Maarten Akkerman
Vice President, Medical Affairs and Value-Based Healthcare, Medtronic
Medtronic Impact is about delivering the right course to the right HCP at the right time.
It isn't about a single curriculum based on a particular product – it is about following specially designed learning pathways, tailored to each participating HCP’s level of expertise and specialism.
Click below to watch training and education leaders discussing the change in our curriculum:
Medtronic Impact will use analytics to identify and recommend learning pathways appropriate to each HCP's level of expertise and specialism, giving them greater ownership and engagement in their ongoing professional development. Instead of focusing, as some training models do, on a few senior physicians, Medtronic Impact will not only be personalised to the needs of each HCP, but it will also cater for beginners right through to experts – as well as entire teams.