Endoflip™ Impedance Planimetry System with FLIP Topography Module

Product Details

The Endoflip™ impedance planimetry system uses a balloon catheter to display diameter estimates of the measurement area in real-time. It can measure and display diameter estimates at up to 16 points within the balloon. The system can also measure and display balloon pressure.1,2

The FLIP Topography Module displays the FLIPTM data in a larger format to help identify motility disorders3 by providing real-time pressure and dimension measurements in the esophagus, pylorus and anal sphincters.2

Order Information

Order Information
Order Code Description Unit of Measure Quantity

Continental Europe: M000002A161

UK and Ireland: M000002A160

The EndoflipTM Impedance Planimetry system consists of:

Endoflip System 1.0 

Flip Topography Display Terminal 

Flip Topography Cart 230V 

Localisation kit

Each 1

Endoflip™ Impedance Planimetry System

Product Details

The Endoflip™ System is used in a clinical setting to obtain an estimation of the dimensions and balloon pressure within the alimentary canal.1 

Order Information

Order Information
Order Code Description Unit of Measure Quantity
EF-100 Endoflip™ Impedance Planimetry System Each 1

Endoflip™ Catheter

Product Details

The EndoflipTM Catheter acts as a Functional Lumen Imaging Probe (FLIP) that shows dynamic changes in the geometry of the measurement area in a real-time image.

The catheter connects to an Endoflip™ System, which injects a conductive solution into the catheter balloon placed in the measurement area. The balloon contains an array of electrodes that measure voltage.

The Endoflip™ System uses these voltages to estimate the diameter along the measurement area.

Order Information

Order Information
Order Code Description Balloon Length 1 BOX Quantity
EF-322N Endoflip™ Measurement Catheter 16 cm Each 5
EF-325N Endoflip™ Measurement Catheter 8 cm Each 5

Esoflip™ Dilation Catheter

Product Details

EsoflipTM ES-310 and ES-320 balloon catheters are indicated for use to dilate esophageal strictures due to esophageal surgery, primary gastro-esophageal reflux and radiation therapy.

The catheters has a 10mm (ES-310) or 20mm (ES-320) diameter dilation balloon which acts as a functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP) showing dynamic changes in the geometry of the stricture in a real-time image.

The catheters are not suitable for diameter measurements and dilation of structures:

  • ES-310: smaller than 6mm or greater than 10mm 
  • ES-320: smaller than 8mm or greater than 20mm

The EsoflipTM ES-330 Balloon Dilation Catheter is indicated for use in a clinical setting for dilating the gastroesophageal junction of a patient with Achalasia. The catheter has a 30 mm diameter dilation balloon which acts as a functional lumen imaging probe (flip) showing dynamic changes in the geometry of the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) in a real-time image

The EsoflipTM ES-330 catheter is not suitable for diameter measurements smaller than 8mm or greater than 30mm.

The Esoflip catheters connects to an EndoflipTM System, which injects a conductive solution into the dilation balloon. The balloon contains an array of electrodes that measure voltage. As the balloon inflates under user control, the EndoflipTM System uses these voltages to estimate the diameters along the measurement area.

Order Information

Order Information
Order Code Description Balloon Diameter Unit of Measure Quantity
ES-310 Esoflip™ Dilation Catheter 10 mm Box 5/Box
ES-320 Esoflip™ Dilation Catheter 20 mm Box 5/Box
ES-330 Esoflip™ Dilation Catheter 30 mm Box 5/Box

Obtain information to support your diagnosis for dysphagia

The Endoflip™ impedance planimetry system is a well-tolerated method for assessment that may transform the way you evaluate patients with symptoms consistent with motility disorders.([FOOTNOTE=Carlson DA, Kahrilas PJ, Lin Z, Hirano I, Gonsalves N, Listernick Z, Ritter K, Tye M, Ponds FA, Wong I, Pandolfino JE. Evaluation of Esophageal Motility Utilizing the Functional Lumen Imaging Probe. Am J Gastroenterol 2016;111(12):1726-1735.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=Carlson DA, Lin Z, Kahrilas PJ, Sternbach J, Donnan EN, Friesen L, Listernick Z, Mogni B, Pandolfino JE. The Functional Lumen Imaging Probe Detects Esophageal Contractility Not Observed With Manometry in Patients With Achalasia. Gastroenterology 2015;149(7):1742-1751.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),([FOOTNOTE=Gyawali CP, Bredenoord AJ, Conklin JL, Fox M, Pandolfino JE, Peters JH, Roman S, Staiano A, Vaezi MF. Evaluation of esophageal motor function in clinical Practice. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2013;25(2):99-133.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])

This advanced imaging technology provides an internal view of the gastroesophageal junction during endoscopic procedures. Real-time measurements of the pressure and dimensions in the esophagus, and other sphincters of the alimentary canal, may help you identify major motility disorders.1

Endoflip™ impedance planimetry system with Flip™ topography is complementary to high-resolution manometry (HRM) and other diagnostic methods.1

Evaluate motility, minimize discomfort1

Measure pressure and dimensions in the esophagus, pylorus, and anal sphincters with a patient‑friendly solution.

View Technical Info Sheet

How Flip™ Technology Works

Flip™ technology uses high-resolution impedance planimetry to measure luminal geometry and pressure during volume-controlled distension. It helps you assess the mechanical properties of the esophageal wall and opening dynamics of the gastroesophageal junction.4

Clinical Education

Endoflip™ impedance planimetry system learning program

The on-demand eLearning training introduces the Endoflip™ Impedance Planimetry System product technology to diagnose and treat patients suffering of esophageal diseases. The online learning and assessment course cover introduction modules. 

  • eLearning module 1: Introduction to Endoflip™ Impedance Planimetry System for diagnosis of motility disorders and presentation of the system and components 
  • eLearning module 2: Presentation of Endoflip™ practical application and procedure steps
  • Video library: A series of videos will provide fundamental information on the Endoflip™ system including presentation of different case studies. Participants who would like to attend the clinical immersion training course will need to complete the online course in advance
  • Time needed: ~ 6h

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Indications, Contraindications and Risks

Indications for Use:

The Endoflip™ System is used in a clinical setting to obtain an estimation of the dimensions and balloon pressure within the alimentary canal.([FOOTNOTE=Endoflip Impedance Planimetry System Instructions for Use],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=])


  • The Endoflip™ System is contraindicated where endoscopy is contraindicated.4 
  • The Endoflip™ System is contraindicated for use in patients with actively bleeding varices in the esophagus.4

Potential complications 

Allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, bleeding, cardio-respiratory complications, dental trauma, infection, pain, perforation, pulmonary aspiration,  vasovagal response4