Medtronic Connect.MeSM Remote Sales

Empowering you to meet your strategic objectives

Discover our Connect.MeSM Remote Sales Team, the convenient and easy service for your Procurement team to get in touch with our highly qualified product and clinical experts.

Surgical Innovations at your fingertips

You can trust Medtronic to break new ground with a new digital service to make business interactions easier for Hospital and Procurement Managers.

Connect.MeSM Remote Sales is specially designed to:

  • Ensure effortless and consistent communication is always at hand.
  • Make procurement of new surgical innovations smooth and simple.
  • Offer advice on meeting financial and commercial objectives.

Watch this video now to discover how our Connect.MeSM product and clinical experts work closely with Hospital and Procurement Managers to help meet financial objectives.

A three-in-one communication channel

We help each other to navigate the process of purchasing products and services, ensuring efficiency in each step.

Whether you choose to contact us by phone, online or video conferencing, the Connect.MeSM Remote Sales team provides sustainable procurement solutions to put the best patient outcomes within easy reach.

Cost-efficient solutions and technology

Our Connect.MeSM specialists are always accessible to support your procurement of the surgical products and equipment that you need, to streamline your hospital inventories, to comply with regulations and significantly more.

We help you and hospital procurement stay on top of new trends, regulations and cost-savings, creating a competitive edge for your team.

A helping hand

Connect.MeSM Remote Sales offer you and your Procurement team integrated product knowledge, workflow solutions and extensive support, providing capabilities that could only happen with our close collaboration.

Choose how and when you want to communicate with our Connect.MeSM Team at your convenience.

Definitive support for the entire Procurement team

Connect.MeSM Remote Sales offer customized support and solutions made for you and your team, consistently delivering:

  • Cost-saving solutions.
  • Advice on streamlining your hospital inventory.
  • Online order management support.
  • Extensive product training resources to get the whole surgical team on board.

Reaching your goals

Our Connect.MeSM Remote Sales Specialists help you overcome the non-clinical challenges of surgical care, balancing responsibilities to the hospital team with budget obligations and supporting you through the whole procurement lifecycle as your needs evolve.

Where everything comes together

If you want to find out more about how Connect.MeSM can help you realize your goals and achieve more than you ever thought possible in clinical expertise, get in touch.

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Expert Personalized Service


Find out now how simple it is for Nurse Practitioners to interact with Medtronic’s trusted product and clinical experts.

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Discover how we help Surgeons select high quality products and surgical equipment.

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