Marketing your practice is an important part of ensuring that patients are aware of and have access to appropriate evaluation and treatment. These downloadable resources can help you effectively present information about balloon kyphoplasty as a treatment option so that patients can make informed decisions about their healthcare. 


Here are a few ideas to help generate community awareness of osteoporosis, spinal fractures, and minimally invasive treatment options like Kyphon™ Balloon Kyphoplasty, that your practice offers.

Osteoporosis Open House or Booth at a Health Fair

Hold an open house for people in the community to come and learn about osteoporosis and treatments. May is National Osteoporosis Month in the United States and an ideal time for this event. Consider featuring:

  • Bone density scans
  • Exercise demonstrations
  • Nutrition specialist Q&A
  • Patient ambassadors

Osteoporosis Seminar for the Mature Community

Have a representative from your osteoporosis management team host a seminar to discuss osteoporosis diagnosis and management at local facilities. Senior centers, senior living communities, hospitals, and rehabilitation centers are all good places to start. Then consider expanding out. Any organization or location that services the commonly affected population (or their caregivers) is worth looking into.

Local Media

Let local TV and radio stations know about events that you’re hosting. Often they will interview you for a short publicity piece to air before the event. You can also invite them to attend the event itself for a recorded or live broadcast.

You could also collaborate with a local news station or print publication on a health segment that features your practice. Sharing patient success stories is a popular option : It’s a great way to promote your practice, as well as inform the community about vertebral compression fractures and treatment options.

Here’s an example of one type of media segment:

Local Media Example

Referral Sources

There are likely referral sources within hospitals who see vertebral compression fractures but don’t refer for Balloon Kyphoplasty treatment. Connecting with those professionals, as well as practitioners both inside and outside your organization, can foster ongoing communication and help create treatment partnerships that benefit patients. Some of the professionals you may want to connect with are:

  • Doctors and nurses
  • Hospitalists
  • Geriatricians
  • Gynecologists

Therapy Awareness Programs

Ask your Medtronic sales representative about Therapy Awareness Program (TAP) events.